Author Archive for: Buck Advisors
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Entries by Buck Advisors
Trail Camera Tips for November and the Rut | Trail Cameras Weekly “Week 5”
October 31, 2016 /0 Comments/in The Buck Advisors, Trail Cameras /by Buck AdvisorsJEREMY FLINN 10/31/2016 November is the month whitetail hunters live for, but are you seeing everything you need too in order to be successful. Here are some key strategies for using cameras during November! Things are really starting to pick up for hunters during this first week of November. Bucks are moving in daylight, they […]
Pre-Rut Hunting Strategies | Week 4 “Oct 24th-30th” Trail Cameras Weekly
October 24, 2016 /0 Comments/in The Buck Advisors, Trail Cameras /by Buck AdvisorsJEREMY FLINN 10/24/2016 With the exit of the October Lull, comes the action of the Pre-Rut. This week can be the best time to hunt scrapes the entire year, see why… It’s week 4, October 24th-30th and this is the time we live for as whitetail hunters. This is the Pre-rut and it is a great time […]
The October Lull | Trail Cameras Weekly “Week 3”
October 17, 2016 /0 Comments/in Deer Hunting, The Buck Advisors, Trail Cameras /by Buck AdvisorsJEREMY FLINN 10/17/2016 The third week of October could be considered the “October Lull” for many hunters, but slow movement is more likely due to these variables. “Week 3”: October 17th-23rd Now we are in the third week October…meaning crops have been coming down, are about to come down, or are all harvested around you. […]
Trail Cameras Weekly | Week 2: October Cold Fronts and Acorns
October 10, 2016 /0 Comments/in The Buck Advisors /by Buck AdvisorsJEREMY FLINN 10/10/2016 With the hunting season in full swing and acorns falling, the race is on to pattern a buck and maybe even catch him during an October cold front. We are still going to use the mock scrape tactic as it will be a great attraction throughout October, but we are changing the location and […]
How To Make A Mock Scrape | Trail Cameras Weekly “Week 1”
October 3, 2016 /0 Comments/in The Buck Advisors, Trail Cameras /by Buck AdvisorsJEREMY FLINN 10/03/2016 For the first week of Trail Cameras Weekly, Weston Schrank will be discussing how to make a mock scrape and use them with trail cameras during October Welcome to trail cameras weekly featured on muddy tv, as you can probably guess this will be a quick video blog every week on trail […]
How To Set Up A Trail Camera | Trail Camera Tips
September 12, 2016 /0 Comments/in The Buck Advisors, Trail Cameras /by Buck AdvisorsJEREMY FLINN 09/12/2016 As deer season nears, trail cameras go up. Here are 11 trail camera tips for deer season, and a guideline for how to set up a trail camera. As deer season becomes closer and is beginning in many states, you might have started employing trail cameras on your property. If that is […]
How To Plant Fall Food Plots | Steps To Create A Hunting Plot
August 22, 2016 /0 Comments/in Food Plots, The Buck Advisors, Wildlife and Land Management /by Buck AdvisorsJEREMY FLINN 08/22/2016 Fall is on its way, now is the time to follow these steps on how to plant fall food plots and hunting plots. Planting fall food plots is not simply planting a food plot and leaving it until the season, but instead collaborating it intensely between your ground blind, tree stand, or […]
How To Film Your Own Deer Hunt Part 2 | What Camera Gear and Camera Arm You Need
July 6, 2016 /0 Comments/in Filming Hunts, The Buck Advisors /by Buck AdvisorsJEREMY FLINN 07/06/2016 This is part 2 in our series devoted to information on filming you own deer hunt, in our last segment the first part of this how to film your own deer hunt series, we talked about the camera gear. The first segment covered which camera to actual get, the secondary camera or […]
How to Film Your Own Deer Hunt | Main Camera Suggestions and Basics for Filming Deer Hunts
June 23, 2016 /0 Comments/in Filming Hunts, The Buck Advisors /by Buck AdvisorsJEREMY FLINN 06/23/2016 Are you looking for a detailed video on how to film your own deer hunt? Here are the basics of filming deer hunts, including which camera to buy for filming whitetails. Filming hunts, whether you are filming another hunter, or filming your own deer hunt and self-filming a deer hunt, is a challenge, […]